Affiliate Program

  • How does it work?

    Once registered and approved, you will be given your unique affiliate link.
    The person who is using your affiliate link to purchase must not have come to our website before in the last 30 days- if they do, the affiliate link and record of their purchase will not be registered.

    When the record of their purchase is made through your link successfully, you will be able to receive 15% of the price they have purchase. I.e. if someone places an order of $100, you will then receive $15. Given the average price point of our courses is $500, average commission price will then be $75.

    Each of our affiliate partners will also have a personal dashboard to track your records for successful transactions and the amount you are receiving.

  • Payment Instructions

    At the end of each month, we check payments from your referrals and list a percentage of the purchase of the course.

    The commission is calculated from the actual received amount of payment (the cost of the course minus the commission of the payment system)

    Only purchases of new students who have come through your affiliate link are taken into account.

    If a student has already independently registered at the school, then his/her purchase is not covered by the affiliate program.

    Course purchase with payment made under Instalment options will also be spread out into 3 months.

  • Is there a cap to the amount I earn?

    Absolutely not! The intention I have when I set out teaching is simple: To show people what is possible.

    Our goal is to share knowledge and encourage people to explore the magic of what Art and Creative work can bring - it can come in a form of a new skillset which may in turn become a useful skill for life, or it can just be that spark of inspiration someone needs to build something more powerful.

    And for those reasons, there is no cap to the number of people you can recommend to, or the amount in commission fees you can earn.

What are your next steps?

Email us at [email protected] with your Name and the Email address you have used to sign up for any classes on our site with the following informtaion:

  • What is the course/class you have signed up for?

  • Why do you want to sign up for our Affiliate Program?

  • Then all you have to do is to wait for our reply on approval and we will share more details with you via email.